Analytics Note
Just a note to remember because I’m old and forgetful:
I like this Kiera theme on the blog, but it’s not without it’s issues. While the file for the theme conveniently suggests the following line in its sample config.toml file,
googleAnalytics = "" #Google Analytics ID
this is never actually implemented in any of the templates that are used to construct your page and post headers. So after a bit of futzing around, I figured out that in addition to adding that info to config.toml, you need to add a line to the <head>
section of the /themes/kiera/layouts/partials/header.html file, like so:
<title>{{ .Site.Title }}</title>
{{ partial "meta" . }}
{{ partial "header_includes" . -}}
{{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}<!--Add This Line-->
And voila, I can monitor the single digit traffic that this blog actually sees. :-)