Just a note to remember because I’m old and forgetful:

I like this Kiera theme on the blog, but it’s not without it’s issues. While the README.md file for the theme conveniently suggests the following line in its sample config.toml file,

googleAnalytics = "" #Google Analytics ID

this is never actually implemented in any of the templates that are used to construct your page and post headers. So after a bit of futzing around, I figured out that in addition to adding that info to config.toml, you need to add a line to the <head> section of the /themes/kiera/layouts/partials/header.html file, like so:

  <title>{{ .Site.Title }}</title>
  {{ partial "meta" . }}
  {{ partial "header_includes" . -}}
  {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}<!--Add This Line-->

And voila, I can monitor the single digit traffic that this blog actually sees. :-)